(Effective Gut regulator) Hexaran contains Enramycin that act as an antibiotic growth promoter and gut regulator. Enramycin is very effective against Gram positive bacteria preferably Clostridium perfringens which is the main agent to cause necrotic enteritis. Along with necrotic enteritis, Enramycin helps to control other harmful bacteria in the gut thereby helps to maintain gut health Vitamins helps to boost the body immunity of the birds. 

ene its: • Helps to control harmful Gram positive bacteria present in the gut of bird 
Composition: Each Kg contains Enramycin - 8 % 

• Helps to control Clostrium perfringens 
Along with Vitamin supplements 

infection in the birds 

• Helps to control E. coli infection, Necrotic enteritis and other bacterial infection in birds 
• Helps to improve body immunity in the 
Dosage: 60 -100 gm/ Ton of Feed Presentation: 25 Kg 
PHILEMON LIFE PVT LTD. D.No: 8-3-1115/1, Sri Nagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500073, Telangana. Mail: info( Ph: 8050388344, 8886420633, 9502044707