A complete solution for all typeof Mycotoxins
Composition unique formulation containing HSCAS, MOS, Activated Carbon, Organic acids and Hepatoprotective herbs. HSCAS A specially treated clay having higher binding capacity to bind different types of mycotoxin namely Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin, Zearlenone, T-2 toxins etc. Activated Carbon Helps to binds multiple mycotoxins. Along with Mycotoxins, it helps to bind insecticides and pesticides thereby remove their harmful effects also Organic acids Act as a mould inhibitor and helps to prevent the formation of Mycotoxins in the feed Hepatoprotective herbs Helps to protect the liver from the harmful effects of different type of mycotoxins. Also help to regenerate and rejuvenated the damaged liver cells.
? Bind different types of mycotoxins including Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin, Zearlenone, T-2 toxin, etc. ? Prevent harmful effects of pesticides, insecticides and other toxic chemicals ? Act as a mould inhibitor thereby prevent formation of the mycotoxins ? Protect liver from damaging effect of the mycotoxins ? Improve production and growth in Breeder, Broiler and Layer
Dosage 1 Kg per Ton of Feed
Presentation : 5 Kg & 25 Kg
Myconil 0
PHILEMON LIFE PVT LTD. D.No: 8-3-1115/1, Sri Nagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500073, Telangana. Mail: info(aphilemonlife.com Ph:8050388344,8886420633,9502044707