BENEFITS: Bio-active Minerals and oxy-Spring release compounds of Monohydrate sodium salts. 1. In aquaculture, the amount of oxygen needed by shrimp, prawn or fish depends on its body surface. Approximately 4 ppm is the minimum required for life processes in aquaculture waters. 2. Oxy-Spring is an advanced dissolved oxygen technology providing higher contact of available Dissolved 3. Oxy-Spring (D.O.) at a higher dissolution rate in to the water with high stability. 4. Oxy-Spring is available in talet from and is easy for application to aquaculture pond systems. 5. Oxy-Spring settles at the pond bottom after its application and creates healthy climate by releasing dissolved oxygen for the growing shrimp, prawn and fish in a aquaculture ponds. 6. The oxidative power of oxy-spring improves the cleanness of aquaculture pond by bottom removing waste organic flocks through breakdown and lessens the sludge build up through bioremediation. 7. Oxy-Spring by its excellent deodorizing performance eliminates malodour in aquaculture ponds as well as off-flavor from shrimp, prawn and fish. 8. Breakdown of organic flocks and lessening of sludge build up. 9. Improves bottom condition, water coloration there by improving water quality. 10.Regulates PH fluctuations.
DOSAGE: Shrimp/prawn/fish pond: 2-4 kgs tablets/acre
Use Oxy-Spring cakes preferably during late evenings to compensate dissolved oxygen depletion that generally occurs at early morning hours.
Use for once a week. Whenever pond bottom and water quality deteriorated (or) according to water quality (or) as advised by aquaculture consultant.
PRESENTATION: 1 kg & 10 kg.