COMPOSITION: Each kg contains calcium, phosphorous, Magnesium, potassium, Sodium, Sulphur, Chloride, Manganese, Copper, cobalt, Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Selenium, CDP, Choline Chloride, Inositol and fortified with probiotics.
BENEFITS: 1. To prevent the imbalance of mineral ions in the water. 2. It helps in regular moulting and formation of exoskeleton in shrimp. 3. To promote the development of plankton when applied during pond preparation. 4. To regulate osmosis, nerve, impulse transmission and muscular control. 5. To helps in uniform growth in shrimp and fish. 6. To enhance disease resistance and defense mechanism. 7. To improve survival and growth. 8. To improve digestion and for better FCR. 9. To reduce the culture period. 10. To increase the production of shrimp and fish.
DOSAGE: For use in aquaculture ponds: During pond preparation: 20-30 kg/ ha. During culture: 10-20 kg/ ha once in every 15 days to provide a nutrient balance in pond water.