COMPOSITION: Sio2 50-60% | Al2 o3 10-15% Fe2 O3 2-4 % || caO & probiotic 10-15%

BENEFITS: 1. The Granule form gives good adsorption toxic gases & makes the habitat clean & healthy for aquatic life. 2. The unique biend purifies water & improves dissolved oxygen contents. 3. Exchanges ammonia & other poisonous gases in water. 4. Improves the soil and water quality. 5. Helps to prevent the occurrence of diseases. 6. Prevent and control bacterial pathogens in the gut. 7. Improves the quality of water. 8. Control the growth of micro- organisms water. 9. Stabilize oxygen levels.

DOSAGE: 5 kg to 10 kg per acre or as recommended by an aquaculture consultant / expert

PRESENTATION: 10 kgs to 25 kgs.