COMPOSITION: Nitrobacter spp, Ntrosomonas spp, Bacillus spp, Psesudomonas spp, Rhodopseudomonas spp, Paracoccus spp, Athrobacter spp etc.,

BENEFITS: 1. Microorganisms of this product reduces ammonia to nitrites to nitrates, which is utilized by the phytoplankton. 2. Enhances the ammonia oxidizing activity. 3. Improves water quality. 4. Gives instant relief to prawn / fish from stress and molting. 5. Reduces off odour and creates better pond environment. 6. ACT as a feed supplement by promoting the growth of healthy phyto / zoo plankton. 7. Helps in controlling pH minimize the toxicity H2S and NH3 in aqua pond.

DOSAGE: Depends on water depth and ammonia level.

Prevention: 250-500gms / acre (For shrimp) 500-1000gms / acre in one 5 Ft depth (For fish)

Treatment: 500-1000gms / acre 3 Ft depth. Or as directed by the aqua consultant.