COMPOSITION: Bacillus spp, pseudomonas spp, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Cellulomonas, Rhodococcus, Rhodobacter, Microbacterium spp, Halobacterium spp, etc.
BENEFITS: 1. Reduces toxic gases (like ammonia/ nitrite / H2S) in the pond 2. Produces variety of antibacterial, anti-fungal substances, which suppresses growth of pathogenic microbes like Vibrio, Salmonella, Aeromonas, and E. coli in the pond environment. 3. Eliminates malodorous in the pond as well as geosmin, which causes muddy smell in fish / prawn. 4. Stabilizes pH, alkalinity and algal blooms. 5. Effective in high range of salinity (0-50 ppt) and pH (6.5-9.5) 6. Feed supplement by promoting the growth of healthy phyto / zoo plankton. 7. Reduces organic load (black soil) by producing large amount of waste degrading enzymes like amylase, protease, lipase and cellulase. 8. Oxidizes ammonia to from nitrites and nitrates. 9. Active in fresh water and saline water.
For shrimp: Prevention: 250-500gms / acre.
Treatment 500-1000gms/acre in 3 Ft depth.
For fish: 500-1000gms/acre in one 5Ft depth. Or as directed by the aqua consultant.