helps to control the White Faeces syndrome (WFS) White Gut Disease (WGD) White Muscle Disease (WMD)and enhance the Shrimp immunity.

COMPOSITION: Combination of active / inactive species of Lactobacillus etc., Growth & immune enhancers and Phyto biotics.

BENEFITS: 1. White faecal strings and vermiform bodies formations consisting of Aggregated Transformed Microvilli (ATM) there by stops phenomenon called white faeces syndrome (WFS) 2. It reduces floating faecal strings which sometimes accumulate in floating mats (i.e white faeces Syndrome or WFS 3. It reduces vermiform, gregarine like bodies within HP and midgut 4. It reduces Microvilli getting peeled away from HP tubule cells and aggregating in HP tubule lumen 5. It stops cells lysis by ending stripping of microvilli 6. It regulates loss of microvilli and subsequent cells lysis 7. It stops retarded shrimp growth and predisposing to opportunistic pathogen 8. It modulates the gut microflora in farmed shrimps therefore preventing gut diseases.

DOSAGE: For Shrimp: 10 grams/Kg feed or as directed by the Aqua consultant

PRESENTATION: 500 grams.