PHIL-FORTE(Ultimate Chelated Mineral Mixture)

Composition: Each Kg contains

 Vitamin A  500000 IU 
Copper 3.5 g
Vitamin D3  50000 IU
 Zinc 8 g
Vitamin E  208 mg
Cobalt 125 mg
Niacin  834 mg
Sulphur 6 g
Calcium 212 g
Pottassium 84 mg
Phosphorus 106 g
Sodium 5 mg
Magnesium  5 g
Selenium 8.3 mg
Magnanese 1.25 g
Amino Acids Q.S.
Iron 1.25 g
Liver Booster QS
Iodine 271 mg
Herbal extracts QS


  • An ultimate mineral mixture for the animals.
  • Improves the level of Macro 6, Micro minerals in the animals.
  • Boost up the milk production in the animal.
  • Enhance Fat 6, SNF percentage in the milk.
  • Improves conception rate after Artificial Insemination (Al) *
  • Prevent Ketosis in high yielding animals.
  • Contains Bypass amino acids for better bioavailability of protein.
  • Improves body immunity 6, skin condition of the animals.
  • Contains herbal extracts to boost up the milk production in the animal.
  • Effective against different types of reproductive diseases like anoestrus, repeat breeding in the daily animals. 


• 30 - 50 g per Cow/ Buffalo per day to be mixed in feed.

• 20 - 30 g per Sheep/ Goat per day to be mixed in feed.

• 40 - 50 g per Equine per day to be mixed in feed.

• 500 g - 1 kg per ton of feed (OR)

• As recommended by the veterinarian 

PRESENTATION : 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 Kg 6, 25 K